Market Overview

Overview of REH’s Key Regions  (Updated Jan ’09)

REH invests in markets enjoying good energy fundamentals and regulatory support. These are therefore primarily greater Europe, including future EU members.


In Europe, many markets are maturing i.e. Germany and Spain, with some even beyond, such as Denmark. More immature markets with good fundamentals include eastern european markets and south eastern parts of western europe, in addition to the UK. Many eastern European countries joining the EU are required to develop renewable energy and climate change plans and targets, and are typically currently heavily fossil fuel dependent. The EU is a leader is regulating for growth of renewable energy and carbon abatement. It remains an important market for new technologies such as wave and those requiring additional support such as solar which is currently still uncompetitive with fossil fuels. Offshore wind is not an attractive market for REH given it is the focus for the energy giants from the utility and oil and gas sectors.





Europe's Goal

EU’s goal: By 2020 renewable energy should account for 20% of the EU's final energy consumption (8.5% in 2005).